I work now. (I may not have mentioned it)

Goodbye kids! I work now!

My sanity has been saved by going to work

My sanity has been lost by going to work for a charity. 

Every day of the week I’m grateful to an organisation that recognised the transferable skills of a PTA organised event (because most private and public sector organisations ignore everything you’ve done that wasn’t paid). If it wasn’t paid, it doesn’t count

Every day of the week I wish to be back in the sanctity of “being a housewife”. 

I’ve worked in the private sector and the public sector. (And I’m sorry but out of the two I’d choose the private sector every day of the week)

Three areas. Sooooo different.

But then I worked in the third sector. 

Working in a charity isn’t like a “normal” job where you turn up at 8.45am (because you’re dedicated), work hard, then leave at 5pm (because you worked through lunch so you can leave early). No. “Working for a charity” requires your soul. 

Omg! I’m trying to do the work of five people!

I thought I was alone in this mindset. But today I was told by a colleague that they were feeling like they had failed because they hadn’t followed the new procedure that had recently changed (for the hundredth time this month). 

Working for a charity will suck the very soul and energy from your bones.

Working in a charity means you have to account for every penny, but not because you’re lining the shareholders pockets. No, you have to account for every penny because that’s the only money they have. If they fail, if they’re not sustainable: the help doesn’t get given to those who need it. 

Working in a charity means you have to follow every government, advisory, legislative and Joe Bloggs’ procedures, but not ‘pretend’ follow but really you just ignore them (or have highly paid experts and lawyers telling you how to go around them). No, you have to follow them because you’re inspected on them and if you’re not following the smallest, stupidest part of the rule you lose the associated funding which means the help doesn’t get given to those who need it. 

Yes. Working for a charity sucks energy from your very bones.

But working for a charity makes every minute feel worthwhile. 

Every decision you make is changing someone’s life. 

Every email you send is determining someone’s life. 

Every hour you spend makes a difference to someone’s life. 

Working for a charity will give you a reason to get up in the morning.

Get up in the morning and do something